Pro linq language integrated query in c 2008 ebook library

Demonstrating the overwhelming majority of linq operators and protoypes, it is a veritable treasury of linq examples. The book was 600 pages and the first two chapters were pretty dull if youve been living under a rock for the past year or so and have. Joseph c rattz describes the features of pro linq along with a collection of linq operators, prototypes, and code examples. The book the book starts with code, ends with code and every chapter is packed with code through. Demonstrating the overwhelming majority of linq operators and protoypes, joseph rattz, jr. I am a visual person, so the examples in the book helped me to get started pretty quickly. Linq to sql supports microsoft sql server 2008 through sql server 2000 and. This book claims to be about code, code, and then more code. I completely agree with the authors claim, it is code from front to back.

Linq project was announced during the professional developers. Net in pdf coming, in that instrument you outgoing onto the evenhanded website. Visual studio 2008 comes with linq provider assemblies that enable the use of linq with data sources such as inmemory collections, sql relational databases, ado. Linq will premier in visual studio 2008, and will become the next musthave skill for.

However, you will need to use visual studio 2008 or later. Language integrated query, or linq, is a microsoft technology introduced in the. Linq to sql supports microsoft sql server 2008 through sql server 2000. For more extensive coverage of linq, i suggest you check out pro linq. Difference between linq to object, linq to sql, linq to dataset, linq to xml. Linq introduces standard, easilylearned patterns for querying and updating data, and the technology can be extended to support potentially any kind of data store. Using linq lambda expressions to design customizable generic. Linq language integrated query is a new addition to the. Plinq language integrated query is a new addition to the. Linq is a set of features that extends powerful query capabilities to the language syntax of visual basic. Combine this with its versatility and huge standard library its easy to see why its such a popular. Literally, this book starts with code and ends with code. As soon as you capture all the points, linq will be. Net framework that microsoft will be releasing alongside the next version of visual studio orcas in mid2007.

I like linq and i posted about it in my blog in the last 2 weeks i have been reading the book pro linq. My development team include myself have all learned using programming microsoft linq by microsoft press what i found particuarly useful is that it does not jump too quickly into the linq tosql topics and so by the time you arrive at that particular topic you have a full appreciation of what the technology can do rather than just seeing it as a data entity framework. Buy linq in action 1 by fabrice marguerie, steve eichert, jim wooley isbn. In most books, the author shows the simplest example demonstrating how to use a method, but they so rarely show how to use the more complex prototypes. Net framework 4 covers linq to sql features used to query data. Net framework that provides a generic approach to querying data from different data sources.

Pro linq in vb8 language integrated query in vb 2008. April 12, 2010 release of the ajax control toolkit for asp. We saw language integrated query linq for the first time in. Net language integrated query for relational data krzysztof mossakowski. Language integrated query in vb 2008 experts voice in. Being a novice at linq, i found this book to be very helpful. Describes the features of pro linq along with a collection of linq operators, prototypes, and code examples print version record pt. In most books, youll find plenty of simple examples to demonstrate how to use a method, but authors rarely show how to use the more complex prototypes. Linq in action is a fastpaced, comprehensive tutorial for professional developers who want to use linq. Read while you wait get immediate ebook access when you order a print book.

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